By: Christine Cziko , Cynthia Greenleaf , Lori Hurwitz , Ruth Schoenbach Publication: The Qu...
The Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3
It is probably self-evident that the conceptions educators hold about the nature
of reading shape their approaches to helping students improve their reading
abilities. Some current approaches to supporting adolescent reading improvement
address students' word-level reading problems as a precondition for working
on other levels of reading improvement. Our reading apprenticeship approach
is different because our understanding of the nature of reading is different.
Here is a brief outline of what we have learned from existing research and our
own observation.
Reading is not just a basic skill.
Many people think of reading as a skill that is taught once and for all in the
first few years of school. In this view of reading the credit (or blame) for
students' reading ability goes to primary grade teachers, and upper elementary
and secondary school teachers at each grade level need teach only new vocabulary
and concepts relevant to new content. Seen this way, reading is a simple process:
readers decode (figure out how to pronounce) each word in a text and then automatically
comprehend the meaning of the words, as they do with their everyday spoken language.
This is not our understanding of reading.
Reading is a complex process.
Think for a moment about the last thing you read. A student essay? A school
bulletin? A newspaper analysis of rising conflict in another part of the world?
A report on water quality in your community? A novel? If you could recapture
your mental processing, you would notice that you read with reference to a particular
world of knowledge and experience related to the text. The text evoked voices,
memories, knowledge, and experiences from other times and places—some long
dormant, some more immediate. If you were reading complex text about complex
ideas or an unfamiliar type of text, you were working to understand it, your
reading most likely characterized by many false starts and much backtracking.
You were probably trying to relate it to your existing knowledge and understanding.
You might have stumbled over unfamiliar words and found yourself trying to interpret
them from the context. And you might have found yourself having an internal
conversation with the author, silently agreeing or disagreeing with what you
As experienced readers read, they begin to generate a mental representation,
or gist, of the text, which serves as an evolving framework for understanding
subsequent parts of the text. As they read further, they test this evolving
meaning and monitor their understanding, paying attention to inconsistencies
that arise as they interact with the text. If they notice they are losing the
meaning as they read, they draw on a variety of strategies to readjust their
understandings. They come to texts with purposes that guide their reading, taking
a stance toward the text and responding to the ideas that take shape in the
conversation between the text and the self (Ruddel & Unrau, 1994).
While reading a newspaper analysis of global hostilities, for example, you may
silently argue with its presentation of "facts," question the assertions
of the writer, and find yourself revisiting heated debates with friends over
U.S. foreign policy. You may picture events televised during earlier wars. Lost
in your recollections, you may find that even though your eyes have scanned
several paragraphs, you have taken nothing in, so you reread these passages,
this time focusing on analysis.
Reading is problem solving.
Reading is not a straightforward process of lifting the words off the page.
It is a complex process of problem solving in which the reader works to make
sense of a text not just from the words and sentences on the page but also from
the ideas, memories, and knowledge evoked by those words and sentences. Although
at first glance reading may seem to be passive, solitary, and simple, it is
in truth active, populated by a rich mix of voices and views—those of the
author, of the reader, and of others the reader has heard, read about, and otherwise
encountered throughout life.
Fluent reading is not the same as decoding.
Skillful reading does require readers to carry out certain tasks in a fairly
automatic manner. Decoding skills—quick word recognition and ready knowledge
of relevant vocabulary, for example—are essential to successful reading.
However, they are by no means suf-ficient, especially when texts are complex
or otherwise challenging.
Yet many discussions about struggling readers confuse decoding with fluency.
Fluency derives from the reader's ability not just to decode or identify
individual words but also to quickly process larger language units. In our inquiries
into reading—our own and that of our students—we have seen that fluency,
like other dimensions of reading, varies according to the text at hand. When
readers are unfamiliar with the particular language structures and features
of a text, their language-processing ability breaks down. This means, for example,
that teachers cannot assume that students who fluently read narrative or literary
texts will be equally fluent with expository texts or primary source documents.
Fluency begins to develop when students have frequent opportunities to read
texts that are easy for them. Multiple rereadings of more difficult texts help
broaden a reader's fluency (Pikulski, 1998). Perhaps most important for
adolescent readers, fluency grows as they have opportunities, support, and encouragement
to read a wide range of text types about a wide range of topics.
Reading is situationally bounded.
A person who understands one type of text is not necessarily pro-ficient at
reading all types. An experienced reader of dessert cookbooks can understand
what is meant by "turn out on a wire rack to finish cooling" but may
be completely unable to make sense of a legal brief. A political science undergraduate
can understand that the phrase "on the other hand I will argue" leads
into the author's main point and that the main point will be in contrast
to the earlier discussion. But that same undergraduate may feel lost when trying
to read the poetry recommended by a friend. A good reader of a motorcycle repair
manual can make sense of directions that might stump an English literature professor,
but may be unable to comprehend her son's chemistry text. And a chemistry
teacher may feel completely insecure when trying to understand some of the original
source history materials on a colleague's course reading list.
In other words, reading is influenced by situational factors, among them the
experiences readers have had with particular kinds of texts and reading for
particular purposes. And just as so-called good or proficient readers do not
necessarily read all texts with equal ease or success, a so-called poor or struggling
reader will not necessarily have a hard time with all texts. That said, researchers
do know some things about those readers who are more consistently effective
across a broad range of texts and text types.
Proficient readers share some key characteristics.
Different reading researchers emphasize different characteristics of good or
proficient reader. However, despite contention in many other areas of reading
research, when it comes to proficient readers, widespread agreement has emerged
in the form of a set of key habits of proficient readers. This consensus could
be summarized as follows (Baumann & Duffy, 1997):
Good readers are . . .
Mentally engaged,Motivated to read and to learn,Socially active around reading tasks,Strategic in monitoring the interactive processes that assist comprehension:
Setting goals that shape their reading processes,Monitoring their emerging understanding of a text, andCoordinating a variety of comprehension strategies to control the reading process.
Reprinted with permission from Reading for Understanding: A Guide to Improving
Reading in Middle and High School Classrooms by Ruth Schoenbach et al. ©
1999 Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company. 800-956-7739.
Ruddell, R., & Unrau, N. (1994). Reading as a meaning-construction process:
The reader, the text, and the teacher. In R. Ruddell, M. Ruddell, & H. Singer
(Eds.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading. Newark: International
Reading Association.
Pikulski, J. J. (1998, February). Improving reading achievement: Major
instructional considerations for the primary grades. Paper presented at
the Commissioner's Reading Day Statewide Conference, Austin, TX. Cited
in D. R. Reutzel & R. B. Cooter Jr., Balanced Reading Strategies and
Practices (1999, p. 147). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Baumann, J. F., & Duffy, A. M. (1997). Engaged reading for pleasure
and learning: A report from the National Reading Research Center. Athens,
GA: National Reading Research Center.